Dental Implants New Orleans, LA


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About Dental Implants in New Orleans, LA

Implant dentistry offers a highly effective, long-term option for replacing missing teeth and adding confidence to your smile. MINT dentistry is happy to offer dental implants to New Orleans, LA patients who desire a tooth replacement solution that looks, feels, and works like natural teeth. An implant is a post that is surgically placed into the jaw (by a board-certified oral surgeon or periodontist) to replace the natural tooth root. A natural-looking crown, bridge, or denture restoration is then attached to the implant post(s) for lasting tooth replacement. If you've experienced tooth loss and want to find out more about dental implants, set up a consultation at MINT dentistry in New Orleans, LA. During your visit at our modern practice, you can learn about MINT dentistry’s mission to help our patients achieve their aesthetic goals while achieving optimal oral wellness.

All-on-4® Dental Implants

A revolutionary treatment concept, All-on-4 by Nobel Biocare™ offers a way to secure a full set of replacement teeth with just four dental implants. All-on-4 treatment works by inserting specially designed implant posts at strategic points on the upper or lower arch. Compared to other types of implant-supported restorations, All-on-4 can often replace an entire arch of teeth with fewer implants. The MINT dentistry team may recommend All-on-4 dental implants if you want a restored smile without the hassle or the dietary restrictions of removable dentures. Many of our patients have reaped the benefits of the groundbreaking All-on-4 procedure with amazing, high-quality results. If you'd like to learn about the advantages of All-on-4 implants and custom tooth replacement restorations, we encourage you to schedule an appointment at our dental office in New Orleans, LA.

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

You may be a good candidate for dental implants if you have missing teeth or need to have teeth removed. Implants may also be ideal if you have a traditional tooth replacement but are dissatisfied with its appearance or maintenance requirements. Dental implants can replace one or multiple missing teeth by providing support for a crown, bridge, or full-arch restoration (such as a denture). During your consultation at our office, our skilled team will examine your mouth, including your gums and jawbone, to determine if you are a candidate for implant dentistry. Implants may not be recommended if you have a periodontal condition, are pregnant, or use tobacco products.

How Are Dental Implants Placed?

If bone loss in your jaw has occurred, you may first need a bone graft to create the proper foundation for a dental implant. Any necessary bone grafts will be completed and allowed to heal before moving forward with your implant procedure. When you're ready for implants, we'll schedule your oral surgery to have the implant post(s) placed. Prior to your appointment, a member of our team will lead you back to the procedure room and get you seated in a comfortable treatment chair. We'll also give you Beats headphones and MINT sunglasses to help you further relax during your visit. We will administer local anesthesia, and if needed, sedation. Then, the oral surgeon will make an incision(s) in your gums and place the metal implant post(s) in your jawbone. This process will be repeated if more than one implant is needed. The gums will then be sutured to cover the implant or around the post, leaving it visible above the gumline. Over the next few months, your post(s) will integrate with your gums and jawbone. During this time, a temporary crown, bridge, or denture will be placed to protect the post(s). Once your mouth has healed, our New Orleans, LA dental team will connect your custom restoration to the post(s), revealing a gorgeous new smile.

Dental Implant Surgery Aftercare

It's normal to experience some bruising, discomfort, and bleeding in the gums following dental implant surgery. A certain degree of these symptoms is completely normal, but if you have concerns or lasting effects, please contact us. Our team may write you a prescription for pain medications in addition to detailed instructions, including what activities to avoid to help speed your recovery. As soon as your implant(s) has integrated and your restoration has been attached, you'll need to follow a good home oral care routine, including flossing and brushing every day. You may be asked to schedule follow-up appointments that will allow us to check and adjust your restoration. MINT dentistry highly recommends that you schedule regular appointments for oral health exams and cleanings to keep both your natural teeth and implants healthy and attractive.

The MINT Commitment

Dental insurance may cover a portion of the implant procedure and restoration. Our office will speak to your insurance provider to review your policy and calculate any remaining costs. During your consultation with our team, we can discuss the convenient payment methods we accept and provide information on low-interest financing. At MINT dentistry, we're dedicated to helping New Orleans, LA patients get a healthy, beautiful smile. If you don't carry insurance, ask a team member about the MINT Discount Plan, which can help you better afford your dental care.

Lasting Appeal

Dental implants offer a way to effectively replace one or more missing teeth by providing support for a crown, bridge, or full-arch restoration. Easy to maintain, implants can improve the function and appearance of your smile. With modern dental technologies and cutting-edge techniques, we proudly offer dental implants to New Orleans, LA patients and look forward to helping you get the smile of your dreams. To learn more about your tooth replacement options, please contact our office today to reserve a consultation with a board-certified dentist.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.